Personal and Work Papers

Buchenwald Release Document (February 20, 1939)

A photocopy of Herbert Zipper’s release document from Buchenwald Concentration Camp.


Concentration Camp Buchenwald


Wiemar-Buchenwald, February 20, 1939


Release Certificate

The prisoner Jew Herbert Zipper

born on April 27, 1904 in Vienna has served time from May 31, 1938

to the present day in the concentration camp Buchenwald.

On the authority of the state police branch office in Vienna, he was released in Vienna.


Command center concentration camp Buchenwald


Camp Commancer

Chief of Operations (name unintelligible)

SS Captain

United States Army Forces Western Pacific – Manila Symphony Orchestra Performance Contract (1945)

This contract between the United States Army and the Manila Symphony Orchestra lays out the terms for concerts to be played for military personnel and the citizens of Manila by the orchestra.

From June 1945 to February 1946, Maestro Zipper and the Manila Symphony Orchestra played daily, changing the program every two weeks.

List of Brooklyn High School Auditoriums (1949)

While in Brooklyn, Dr. Zipper came up with the idea to take musicians into local high schools to bring classical music to them. He believed bringing the music to them, instead of them visiting concert halls where they might be distracted by their surroundings, would be a better environment for them to focus on the music. Throughout his life, Dr. Zipper would bring professional musicians into elementary schools and high schools. This initiative began in Brooklyn with this list.

Mobile Academy of the Performing Arts for Children of Rural South East Arkansas Research Proposal (1968)

A research proposal for a project to bring music education to rural Arkansas created by Dr. Zipper while Project Director of the National Guild of Community Music Schools.

The abstract for the project reads that:

The project of the Mobile Academy is to make available for children in rural communities a superior education in the performing arts. An effective education in the arts is not only an end in itself but also enhances the general learning ability of children, especially the non-verbal arts, when used as preparatory disciplines in the initial stages of formal education. Beyond that, the Mobile Academy is designed to improve, in general, the quality of life in rural areas.

Colburn School of Performing Arts Memorandum (April 24, 1996)

A memorandum from Richard D. Colburn to leadership of the Colburn School of Performing Arts confirming construction of a new campus in downtown Los Angeles. The letter also hints at the development of a conservatory at the Colburn School.